3 Tips to Help your Family Better Enjoy the Summer

Summer is a time to slow down, relax, and spend some quality time with your loved ones. But the scorching heat, pesky mosquitoes, and long days without school can make it hard to find new ways to enjoy the summer with your family.

These three tips will help you and your family have the best summer you’ve ever had. You’ll wish it could last all year!

Beat the Heat

Grass on a hot day

As summer goes on, the weather just keeps getting hotter and hotter. Depending on where you live, you might even be dealing with temperatures of 100 degrees or above. Once August rolls around, you’ll be desperate to find ways to beat the heat while still have summer fun with your family.

Think about joining your neighborhood pool or buying a book of guest passes for those extra hot days where you just have to splash around in some water. Or, if you have friends with pools at their homes, offer to bring over lunch or dinner in exchange for a fun day at the pool. And of course, always wear and regularly reapply sunscreen and make sure everyone is staying hydrated with plenty of water.

When it gets so hot that you just can’t imagine spending the day outside, see what family friendly movies are playing at your local theater. It’ll be a special treat for your kids, and you’ll get to enjoy the A.C. for a couple hours at the same time.

Control those Pesky Pests

Mosquitoes have their heyday in the summer, and they can completely infest your property and ruin an otherwise perfect summer day. You might be grilling out in your back yard or enjoying a summer evening on your deck when suddenly, you realize that you and your family are being eaten up by mosquitoes.

The first thing you should do is walk around your property and get rid of any stagnant water. Sitting water is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, and you’ll find them in pet water dishes, outdoor toys, inflatable pools, and more. Dump it all, and make sure to do so any time it rains.

If you don’t want to cover yourself and your kids with chemical mosquito repellent, you can try dabbing a few drops of essential oil – lavender and peppermint oil have been shown to repel mosquitoes, and they smell great – around your ankles, wrists, and any other exposed skin. Stay away from using them on your face and be careful not to rub any in your eyes.

Citronella candles and torches will keep some of the mosquitoes away, but fans are even more effective. Keep an electric fan or two outside and turn them on any time you’re enjoying the outdoors.

When it comes to completely getting rid of mosquitoes, hiring a professional mosquito control service is the only way to make sure they’re gone for good. Mosquito Squad will treat your property to make sure that you and your family can enjoy the outdoors all summer long, without worrying about getting covered in itchy mosquito bites. You won’t believe how easy it is for us to get rid of mosquitoes for good.

Make Summer Plans

Beach Vacation

You shouldn’t feel the need to fill every second of your children’s summer vacation with activities, but it’s always nice to have a few fun things planned throughout the summer.

Think about planning a beach trip with your family or some friends. You could rent a house for the week or just drive down for a long weekend. If the beach isn’t your thing, look for a mountain cabin where you can explore the forest and find some fun, kid-friendly hikes.

Check out the summer camps offered in your community. You might find an art or sports day camp that’s perfect for your child’s interests. Or, look into a more traditional sleep away summer camp for that classic camp experience.

When all else fails, keep it simple and go back to the classics. Turn on your sprinklers and let your kids run through to their hearts delight. Look out for the ice cream truck and indulge in a treat when it comes around. Make reading a part of your family’s daily routine or look up some simple craft projects to do together.

You don’t always have to do something complicated to make a great summer memory. After all, summer is the time to relax, catch up on sleep, and enjoy quality time with your family.